September 16, 2024

Exciting news for the future of Stirling PDF!


Stirling-PDF has changed greatly in the 18 months from inception,

What started as a fun side project has now amassed millions of downloads and a dedicated fanbase with thousands of offices using it across the world.

With this growth has come more demands, people have wanted dedicated professional support, consultations and new business focused features. These things are not something I have been able to provide before with my limited time on Stirling-PDF due to it being a hobby, I could never truly dedicate myself to it whilst balancing another full time job.

This is why I am very happy to talk about working on Stirling-PDF full time, and the news that we are launching Stirling-PDF as a Open-Core Company!

What this means is Stirling-PDF will be remaining open source but we shall have the money and resources to allocate to the development of Stirling-PDF to ensure its development for a long time to come.

The initial funding has come from the brilliant people at Open Core Ventures ( who have already helped several other OSS application I use daily such as Authentik and Duplicati.

With this news we have launched a new landing page and hope to provide paid support in the future.

I am sure you all have a lot of questions about this so let me start with the obvious ones, NO Stirling-PDF will not be going closed sourced, removing existing features behind a paywall or leaving the OSS mindset.

Stirling-PDF will always remain opensource, in fact as part of this move we are moving to a more permissive MIT license to ensure this.

We will be adding paid business focused features in the future such as Auditing, compliance and Advanced SSO but core of Stirling-PDF will always be free

I am extremely excited to have the funding to work full time on Stirling-PDF and to be able to hire and work along side the other contributors which have helped create it


Founder of Stirling-PDF